Born and raised in Rome, Damiano brings over 25 years of Italian passion and creativity to the Lux team – as well as some delightfully questionable English. His hopeless passion for double espresso is only outdone by his sense of humour and expert ability to engineer relationships between people and technology.
Damiano specialises in creative and experiential projects at Lux, where his lateral thinking comes into its own. His background in creating visual experiences in clubs, theatres and outdoor events set him in good stead to transition into an expert lighting and video mapping technician.
Damiano was once the Technical Director of Dissonanze, an annual electronic music and video art festival held at the Palazzo Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome. At Lux, some of his best event experiences have been the Altitude Ball for the RDFS in their Jandakot hangar, as well as the annual Art Ball galas at the Art Gallery of WA and the Brookfield Winter Lights installations.
Passionate about music, Damiano is also experienced in both sides of the music biz. He plays guitar, keys and drums (skills he is trying to pass onto his kids) and, following studies in digital audio production, founded and operated his own recording studio.
Damiano loves the variety and respectful culture at Lux, as well as the encouragement to aim high and set challenging goals.
POSTED ON 13/12/2022